Newcastle Local Authority and our catchment area, in particular, are high in the deprivation indices for the UK. Our students typically experience higher levels of unemployment and have significantly lower levels of income than many parts of the UK. Issues relating to health and living environment are a major concern and our area experiences higher levels of crime than nationally. In addition, at Walker Riverside Academy we have stubbornly low attendance, coupled with high levels of Persistent Absence.

Our PD programme has been written and developed with these concerns in mind. All of our core themes are chosen to address these key issues. Each programme of study is accessed by all students from Years 7 - 11, with the aim of making an impact and facilitating meaningful change in the lives and futures of our students.

Students will be able to build confidence and self-esteem and develop the tools and skills needed for adult life. Students will gain experience of potentially difficult situations that they may encounter in later life and will develop skills to manage these challenges successfully.

A wide range of PD experiences, outside of PD lessons, is also available. This can be through our assembly programme, Gateway offer and extra-curricular activities. Students will also learn about their rights and responsibilities in our community and in the wider world, reflecting our four key intents, which are promoted and encouraged across the curriculum and wider Academy.


Years 7 & 8

In Years 7 and 8 students across all form classes will study the same modules within the same term, as detailed below.

Years 9, 10 & 11

In Years 9, 10 and 11 students will study the subjects below within a carousel across the academic year. In practice, this will mean that across each year, different form groups will be studying different topics at the same time to allow for teacher specialisms.


Details of the termly intent of each term, for each of our year goups, is available in the drop-down options below. 

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Aim High. Be Proud. Love Life.