Life ready with ambition curriculum intent logo

Our key priorities for Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance for Walker Riverside Academy for the 2023/24 academic year is that all students leave our Academy Life Ready with Ambition

Our measure for this is to ensure that all Year 11 students have a suitable post-16 destination and reduce the number of our students Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET). 

Our other priorities have been aligned with the Gatsby Benchmarks (see below) to ensure that we are complying with the government’s statutory guidance. The Compass Evaluation tool has been used to identify how close we are to achieving each benchmark.  


Descriptions from

More information relating to our CEIAG intent can be found in our CEIAG Action Plan document. 


Our Knowledge Organisers are 'learning mats' that have been designed to contain all of the key learning for that subject's topic. Our students will use these within their lessons but are also encouraged to use them to support their own learning, homework, and for revision. 

Our Careers KOs are available below; separated into year group/key stage.

Year 7 Knowledge Organisers

Year 8 Knowledge Organisers

Year 9 Knowledge Organisers

Year 10 Knowledge Organisers

Year 11 Knowledge Organisers



There are so many different types of qualifications, it's hard to know which are which levels and how they compare to each other. That makes choosing the correct courses even harder!

Below is a chart so you can see exactly how courses compare and which level you could be studying at. 

Aim High. Be Proud. Love Life.