About 3 million people work in Health and Social Care. Healthcare roles include doctors, pharmacists, nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants; while social care roles include care assistants, occupational therapists, counsellors and administrators. Together, they account for nearly one in ten of all paid jobs in the UK and demand for both Health and Social Care is likely to rise.

This new Pearsons BTEC Leve 2 Tech Award qualification in Health and Social Care is the same size and level as a GCSE and is aimed at everyone who wants to find out more about the health and social care sector. 

It allows learners to study how people grow and develop throughout their lives (from infancy to old age) and the factors that may affect this, such as major life-changing events like marriage or parenthood. 

Students will learn how people adapt to these changes, as well as the types of support available to help them, different Health and Social Care services, and ‘care values’ and their importance in making sure that the people who use these services get the care they need. 

Sector-specific knowledge and skills are gained in a practical learning environment, including:



Details of the termly intent of each term, for each of our year goups, is available in the drop-down options below. 

Year 10

Year 11


Our Knowledge Organisers are 'learning mats' that have been designed to contain all of the key learning for that subject's topic. Our students will use these within their lessons but are also encouraged to use them to support their own learning, homework, and for revision. 

Our Health and Social KOs are available below; separated into year group.

Aim High. Be Proud. Love Life.