Key Stage 3

Within BIF, students are subjected to a variety of opportunities and skills. This starts with a carousel-based curriculum, which allows students to have access to a variety of subjects and transferable skills this is beneficial within the department and whole school. Within Yr 7 & 8 students have access to careers, soft and hard technology, and food and nutrition.  Students are then given a taste of our KS4 options in Yr 9 to select the option choices they would like to develop and later choose as an option for KS4. 

Key Stage 4

The faculty is bespoke in that normally only “traditional” subjects are offered, within BIF however many of these subjects are geared to making the students “work savvy and life ready”. Within these subjects choices we aim to focus on career options, challenge gender stereotypes and embed the wide variety of cultural and local opportunities that we have available to us. Much of this learning is geared towards project based learning, with students developing key skills and knowledge through an outcome that they generate. We firmly believe that external agency work is fundamental to the learning experience with key visitors such as Transpennine Express and Early Years Practitioners (these are two of many) that enrich the curriculum of our students. We have also developed incredibly strong links with our MAT partners (TyneMet and STC) giving students the opportunity to work within their facilities and develop higher order skills both from their staff and facilities. A number of these initiatives have been put on hold due to the global pandemic.  We are keen to implement these at the soonest opportunity.  


Years 7, 8, 9

In Years 7, 8 and 9 students will study the subjects below within a carousel across the academic year. In practice this will mean that across each year, different form groups will be studying different topics at the same time to allow for teacher specialisms.

Years 10 and 11

In Years 10 and 11 students will only study the options they have elected to continue at KS4.


Details of the termly intent of each term, for each of our year goups, is available in the drop-down options below. 

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10





Year 11






Our Knowledge Organisers are 'learning mats' that have been designed to contain all of the key learning for that subject's topic. Our students will use these within their lessons but are also encouraged to use them to support their own learning, homework, and for revision. 

Our BIF KOs are available below; separated into year group/key stage.

KS4 (Years 10 and 11) Knowledge Organisers

Aim High. Be Proud. Love Life.