Our Business curriculum is designed to foster students' entrepreneurial skills and business acumen - to become critical thinkers, creative problem solvers and leaders of the future. It is our aim that all students at Walker reach their full potential; they are resilient and ambitious.

We believe in the balance of classroom based theory, project-led learning and enrichment activities. In the classroom students will be taught key business concepts and terminology, the integrated nature of business activity and the impact of business on individuals and wider society in addition to learning how to apply their numerical knowledge and practice their communication skills; working independently as well as in small groups becoming compassionate and collaborative. Students will gain the tools to make informed business decisions and evaluate business scenarios. Outside of the classroom, we aim to give students the opportunity to develop their responsibility by visiting local businesses, meeting and speaking to people in business and even experiencing the world of business through work placements.

Business at Walker is for everyone.



Details of the termly intent of each term, for each of our year goups, is available in the drop-down options below. 

Year 10

Year 11


Our Knowledge Organisers are 'learning mats' that have been designed to contain all of the key learning for that subject's topic. Our students will use these within their lessons but are also encouraged to use them to support their own learning, homework, and for revision. 

As this is a new addition to our curriculum, our Business and Enterprise KOs are currently being created, to ensure they contain the most helpful aspects of our curriculum. Check back soon to access our learning mats. 

Aim High. Be Proud. Love Life.