Walker Riverside Academy is part of the Tyne Coast Academy Trust.

Details of our accounts, as part of the Tyne Coast Academy Trust are available on the Trust website HERE.

Walker Riverside Academy's Supplementary Funding Agreement can be viewed below.



The Pupil Premium is "additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers." (DfE)

From 1 September 2016, all schools, maintained by the local authority, must publish their strategy for the school’s use of the Pupil Premium on their websites. 

Please see our documents below, relating to Walker Riverside Academy's Pupil Premium.

Our Pupil Premium Statement includes details of the Recovery Premium, as per DfE guidance. 



Walker Riverside Academy offered a 4 day Summer School at the end of the 6 week holidays from Tuesday 31st August until Friday 3rd September. The purpose of running the Summer School was to give students the opportunity to have a ’head start’ and to be ready, prepared and confident in advance of starting the new term.

We offered a bespoke package that aimed to cater to vulnerable learners that were most likely to be impacted negatively by the pandemic. As such, Walker offered places to 68 students and a total of 48 students attended Summer School. Based on the actual attendance of incoming Y7 students, Walker received a funding allocation of £6411.67.

As part of our Summer School we offered transitional activities (such as meeting teachers and tours of the school), additional subject support (including English, literacy/reading and maths), sports-based activities, wellbeing-based activities (such as team building and ‘getting-to-know-you’ exercises) as well as other enrichment/pastoral activities including assemblies, ‘Q&A’ sessions and CCF team building activities.

We staffed Summer School using lower-school teaching staff,  pastoral staff, learning support assistants and a member of our Senior Leadership team. These staff were chosen specifically as they will be some of the key staff that Y7 students will be working closely with over the coming two years in Lower School. The total cost for staff to lead, support and resource these enrichment, educational and transition activities amounted to £4917.67.

To assist with any hardships that local families may have experienced as a result of the pandemic, Walker also provided a full and comprehensive meal offer to all students who attended Summer School including a full breakfast, break and lunch. The total cost for all catering expenses totaled £1344.

At the end of the week, we celebrated the achievement and attendance of the students with a rewards afternoon, where individual students received a ‘graduation certificate’, prizes and an in-house cinema afternoon with snacks and beverages. This activity amounted to £150.


To view our Academy's details on the Schools Financial Benchmarking website, please click HERE.

Aim High. Be Proud. Love Life.