At Walker Riverside Academy, we are always looking to build strong links with employers and providers. We have a range of opportunities for partners to get involved in including:

Mock Job Interviews

Speed Networking



After-school Clubs

Student Mentoring

Visits to the Workplace

Project Based Learning

We are proud to partner with a wide range of employers who help to give our students a real understanding of the World of Work. We have recently worked with: 

As a school we work closely with the North East Combined Authority to offer up to date labour market information and a range of opportunities to our students. We are pleased to be partnered with Arup as our Enterprise Advisors who provide significant support to our Careers Programme. 

We are also partnered with the Newcastle United Foundation who have provided our students with a range of opportunities both in the classroom and through trips and experiences. 

We actively encourage further, higher and technical education providers into school to provide information about different educational routes and options. We have recently worked with:

Our Careers and Cultural Capital Lead is Ms Kate Perry.


For more information about provider access, please view our policy, below.


Aim High. Be Proud. Love Life.